【丹麥 The Poster Club】Curtain

NT$ 980.00

| 畫家: Felix Pottinge

Felix is a multidisciplinary designer from Germany. He graduated from the Royal College Art in London with a MA in Design Products in 2018.
His work is strongly influenced by his passion for experimenting with materials, innovative technologies and manufacturing processes.

He is a partner at creative agency HyperSuper London and a co-founder of the workshop series Designing Craft/Crafting Design.

| 尺寸: 30 x 40 cm (不含畫框)

| 作品名稱: Curtain (Exclusive for the Poster Club) 

| 丹麥印製, 265g 霧面美術紙 & Giclée印刷技術


| The Poster Club

THE POSTER CLUB 的靈感匯集了所有北歐生活方式,時尚和室內設計的趨勢,將在哥本哈根和斯堪的納維亞文化的淵源與創意行業的創新技術相結合。除全球雜誌和報紙的特色外,THE POSTER CLUB 受到眾多領先的室內設計師與藝術收藏家的推薦,並因其獨特的選擇和高品質的藝術作品而備受推崇。